I came from Alabama wid my banjo on my knee, I'm g'wan to Louisiana my true love for to see, It rain'd all night the day I left, the weather it was dry, The sun so hot I frose to death Susanna, dont you cry. Chorus Oh Susanna, Oh dont you cry for me, I've come from Alabama, wid my banjo on my knee. I jumped aboard de telegraph, and trabbelled down de ribber, De Lectrie fluid magnified, and killed five hundred Nigger De bullgine bust, de horse run off, I realy thought I'd die I shut my eyes to hold my breath, Susanna, dont you cry. Chorus I had a dream de odder night when ebery ting was still I thought I saw Susanna, a coming down de hill. The buckwheat cake war in her mouth, the tear was in her eye, Says I'm coming from de South, Susanna, dont you cry. Chorus I scon will be in New Orleans, and den I'll look all round, And when I find Susanna, I' fall upon the ground. But if I do not find her, dis darkie 'I surely die, And when I'm dead and buried, Susanna, dont you cry. Chorus
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