Петь караоке roxette

Неплохая фонограмма песни It must have been в исполнении Roxette доступна в mp3 формате, а также караоке и минусовка, можно найти текст песни, посмотреть интересный видеоклип или просто слушать музыку онлайн без забот!

Дата: 2016-09-22

Длинна песни: 04:47

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Текст: 256

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Текст песни:

It must have been love, But it's over now. Lay a whisper on my pillow, Leave the winter on the ground. I wake up lonely, A stare of silence. In the bedroom, And all around. (all around) Touch me now I close my eyes and dream away. It must've been love But it's over now. It must've been good But I lost it some how. I must've been love But it's over now. From the moment we touched Till the time had run out. Make believing we're together, That I'm sheltered by your arms. But on the outside I turn to water, Like a tear drop in your palm. And it's a hard winters day. I dream away. It must've been love But it's over now. It was all that I wanted Now I'm livin' without I must've been love But it's over now. From the moment we touched It's where the water flows It's where the wind blows. It must've been love But it's over now. It must've been good But I lost it some how. I must've been love But it's over now. From the moment we touched Till the time had run out. It must've been love But it's over now. It was all that I wanted Now I'm livin' without I must've been love But it's over now. From the moment we touched It's where the water flows It's where the wind blows.

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