Iced earth минусовки

Неплохая фонограмма песни I Walk Alone в исполнении Iced Earth доступна в mp3 формате, а также караоке и минусовка, можно найти текст песни, посмотреть интересный видеоклип или просто слушать музыку онлайн без забот!

Дата: 2016-11-20

Длинна песни: 04:00

Рейтинг: 0     Мне нравится     Мне не нравится

Текст: 161

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Текст песни:

I am your inner fear Your kind refuse to hear I am the light I am the way But the fallacies of man Are easy to embrace And I, in purest form I always weather every storm And though you fail to see The truth is the path That leads to me Mankind's dishonesty Lays them to waste (I will divide) I am the truth, And I walk alone Human hypocrisy Exacting their fate (I will devour) I am the truth, And I walk alone The flaws in your design Are breeding fear Inside your mind And lies lead to disgrace A failure to reform The failed human race Mankind's dishonesty Lays them to waste (I will divide) I am the truth, And I walk alone Human hypocrisy Exacting their fate (I will devour) I am the truth, And I walk alone Mankind's dishonesty Lays them to waste (I will divide) I am the truth, And I walk alone Human hypocrisy Exacting their fate (I will devour) I am the truth, And I walk alone

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